Below You Will Find Credit Report Items We Can Help You With Through Credit Orientation Advisory Services, You Will Learn to Turn Credit in to Profits & Eliminate Bad Credit History. See Testimonials Below as Well.
Negative Credit items Legal Challenges
Personal Credit File Lawful Orientation
Clean Credit History & Let's Start a Business if You're Interested!
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
North America
U.S. Small Businesses β 33.2 million
U.S. New Businesses β 4 Million
Canadian Businesses β 1 Million
Mexico 4.47 million SMEs
South America Undisclosed number Businesses
European Union of 28 countries 26.3 million Business
Asia 333.34 million Business
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Negative Credit items Legal Challenges
Personal Credit File Lawful Orientation
Clean Credit History & Let's Start a Business if You're Interested!
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
North America
U.S. Consumers β 315 Million
U.S. New Movers β 300,000 weekly
Canadian Consumers β 11 Million
Mexico 88.56 million Internet users
South America 400 million Consumers
European Union of 28 countries 500 Million Consumers
Asia 2.2 billion Consumers
Leave the heavy lifting to us, if it feels like is too much at once
remember it stopped being algebra and rocket science for us a long time ago. Ultimately we want to build your finances and partner with your future business, hiring us to start with your credit education builds the foundation for a strong relationship.
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Negative Credit items Legal Challenges
Personal Credit File Lawful Orientation
Clean Credit History & Let's Start a Business if You're Interested!
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
You might find it difficult to make companies do the right thing when it comes to getting negative credit items off of your reports due to ID Theft of your personal information. This process must be done using documents that the agencies and federal agencies provide. We can assist you with all of that f and usually all negative information will be removed in 30 to 45 days.
Financial Advisor Digital Marketing Agency & Profit Optimization For Financial Wealth Development
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
Regardless if you owe a medical bill or not. The medical provider must not disclose any of your personal medical information to a 3rd party. They can be sued if they do disclose your personal information. This also put you in a great position to have the item deleted off of your credit reports.
Negative Credit items Legal Challenges
Personal Credit File Lawful Orientation
Clean Credit History & Let's Start a Business if You're Interested!
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
Collections can be from an old credit card, payday loan, medical bills, personal loans, cell phone, cable bills, etc. When dealing with collections there is a specific process that must be validated to make sure it is a valid debt and can be legally collected. We can come in to an agreement with the agency if proving it is not valid is not an option.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
Most mortgage companies donβt come after you for a foreclosure after the process is done. But having the mark on your credit reports can hurt your ability to move forward and get approved for new credit. We know several validation processes you can put in to motion to get a foreclosure removed including if your mortgage was sold over and over and your original mortgage provider was either fined by the federal government or closed down.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
These can drop your credit score down as much as 20 to 30 points in some cases. We know the use of several options when talking to creditors to reverse late payments. This must be done the right way or you can end up having the account closed or all the good history deleted making your score drop down more.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
This can happen when an original creditor sells an account to a debt collector. Technically they can report the previous history, but if they say they sold the account they technically have been paid for the account.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
These are technical terms for a debt being reported as a loss on their accounting books. This doesnβt mean that the creditor canβt collect on the debt. They canβt report the debt as an asset on their books.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
These are inquiries the credit reporting agencies allow to be placed on your reports to allow you to see who purchased your data to market to you. It has no effect on your scores and doesnβt hurt you.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
We know the tedious steps to remove these.
Our finance advice training program will help you develop the skills necessary to help you delete these.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
If your vehicle has been repossessed you have a lot of rights that you need to be aware of. Regardless if you give the car back willingly or if they take it without you knowing. A process will be started to sell the car at auction and they will come after you for the deficiency. That is the balance owed after the car is sold at auction. We make sure that they followed the law at every step including the original contract, how they took the vehicle and getting the final auction receipt.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
This can hurt your credit scores and hurt your ability to obtain credit due to mistakes on your reports personal data section. These can include misspelling of your name, Sr, Jr, II that is added to one report and not matching another report. Addresses and other personal information. We will make sure that we help you get this is updated and matches all 3 reports.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
These are collections that are usually purchased by a debt collector and you didnβt respond to the 30 day validation letter they sent in the mail. Donβt worry if they donβt disclose the debt properly on your credit reports it must be removed. There is a specific process to get this done and we take care of showing you that.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
We can help you get garnishments stopped in some cases. Depending on the laws in your state you might not qualify to be garnished or qualify to have it reduced. We will assist you in finding out and help you get it resolved.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
You cannot legally file bankruptcy and dispute that you didnβt file bankruptcy on your credit reports. The bankruptcy must show correctly and if there are in inaccuracies in the placement it must be removed immediately. We have several strategies to get you informed on how to get this done accordingly
Tax Liens
We can assist you with doing an offer in compromise Included with your services. We handle state and federal tax liens.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
In some cases you may have to go to court pay a collection when 100% proven by the collector. We will assist you in negotiating a discounted settlement to help you get pass it and move forward in your life.
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
Me and my mom used live scared until we spoke to a credit player that informed us about our rights and how to defend ourselves against threats and judgements finally realized we were caught up because of not being informed.
United States of America
With credit report restoration, you break into the mix and take inventory of all the actions that have taken place on YOUR credit. Until the 70s people actually had no rights regarding their own credit report. Access to your own credit history wasn't available and you had no right to address wrongfully reported information. This was a horrible situation for consumers who applied for credit, got turned down, and had no way of finding out whyβor even if it was a mistake. This is why the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was enacted into law. Among other protections, it gives you many important rights when it comes to your credit report.
Because of the FCRA and other consumer protection laws, we now have the ability to go in, check out your credit, correct what we see as unfairly reported, improve items that are hurting your score, and help you get your credit in a much better place.
The case for credit restoration is a strong one. And no one's better armed to improve your personal & business credit than CreditPlayers LLC
Credit report items agency, remove negative credit items, clear credit history.
Think about this: Your credit report is updated by your creditors and the credit reporting agencies, and requested by others who want to see if you qualify for new credit. This constant activity happens -- even without your knowledge β as you go about your daily life.
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