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Gets your service started today. You’ll get a welcome call, have secure online access and receive monthly updates, and see your credit reports and scores all within the first 14 Days
If you like the service we'll continuously provide the advice and guidance you need to help improve your credit each month for just $149.99
We stand behind our work, and that’s why thousands of people have trusted us to guide their credit finance development in the first place. We've made our service risk-free.
We completely guarantee your satisfaction. When you're paying month to month paying as you go, you're assured that you'll never pay for anything that you aren't happy with.
You can cancel at any time and you will not be charged for that month of service.
Our goal is to make you one of our thousands of satisfied customers and we're willing to go the extra mile for it. That’s our promise to you.
Each situation is unique and so is the timeframe required to restore your credit. The majority of our customers see real results within the first 60-90 days but it can take up to 12 months for full results. Please understand the credit bureau
update their information every 30 days, this is realistically speaking.
CreditPlayers LLC ® works with you on your credit on a month to month basis until you are satisfied with the improvement you have accomplished in your credit.
Our goal is to improve both your credit report and credit score continuously each month. With that said, keep in mind that no company can promise any specific outcome simply because there are several third parties involved (e.g. Equifax,
Transunion, Experian, your creditors, etc.) and no one can predict how they will respond.
It all depends. There are no two credit reports that are exactly the same.
This means that improvements we make on one person's credit may or may not improve the score as much as another's.
The “average”, we've found, never applies. We've seen scores go up 200+ points, and others just get the 20 point boost they needed to qualify for their home loan.
Everyone's results will vary, but, you can be certain we will provide the best guidance available & So you can get the best results possible. And with our “100% guarantee” you have nothing to lose.
No, not at this time.
You'll receive a welcome email and phone call from CreditPlayers LLC ®.
We'll provide you with a special secure online account so you can keep track of your progress and submit the responses & results you receive to your provided address on your credit restoration
You can book your monthly appointment and receive updates live with one of our specialists
You'll start seeing credit improvements in about 90 days
Your credit report and score improvements will progress throughout the duration of your service.
At the end, you will visibly see your credit report, turn into a finer credit report.
CreditPlayers LLC will also give you a future plan to help you maintain your improved credit and show you how to continuously raise your credit score.
◉ Will I see my credit after I sign up?
Once you sign up and after your welcome call is completed we will see the path to achieve results you will get updated reports by email and every 30 days live updates with a specialist, were on it hands on!
◉ How will I know it works?
Easy! Since all results & Correspondence will be mailed directly to your address directly from the credit bureaus or contacted source you will be the first to know, please don't forget to update us through your secure online access portal this way we can keep providing efficient advice. Every time you receive updated credit reports throughout your service you will see items that have been changed, updated, or removed. If an item is changed or updated,
it generally means that a positive improvement with that account (such as a late history) has been made. If an account was removed all together from your credit report,
it means that a negative item has been removed from your credit. Usually these items are collections, charge offs, foreclosures, etc.
We'll also point out important progress made within your client account which you'll have online access to.
◉ How long does it take after I sign up to receive my first updated credit reports in the mail?
You should receive your reports from the credit reporting agencies within 60 days of signing up.
◉ Who can see my credit reports?
Our credit service specialists are the only ones who will see your credit reports, view our privacy measures within our privacy policy—your information is safe and secure.
◉ Will one person be my assigned to me?
There will be a team working on your credit (usually three), and generally we have all of our clients supported by our entire team. However, if you want one person we can provide that as well. It's your choice.
◉ How do you restore bad credit?
We review your credit report and see what's bad and what could be better.
Then We Advice & Help You Write & Properly Mail The Correct Letters In Accordance To The FCRA Laws to the correct recipient. All Done By You, With our Guidance.
◉ How can bad credit be legally restore ?
Because you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that your credit report is accurate, laws were enacted -- specifically the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) -- to assist you.
The FCRA gives you the right to contact the credit bureaus directly to dispute items on your credit reports.
You can dispute any and all items that are inaccurate, untimely, misleading, biased, incomplete or unverifiable. Any item that cannot be verified on your credit report must be deleted.
Goodwill Creditor Interventions may also be used to address an item on your credit report directly with your creditor.
Also, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) of 2003 may be utilized primarily in situations where identity theft is concerned.
Thousands of people have legally and successfully restored their credit and increased their credit score simply
by enforcing their own legal rights. This type of process can be done individually if you have the time, and of course the patience, for the learning curve involved.
◉ Does paying off my bills restore my credit?
YES, If You Qualify Our Line Of Credit Builds New Credit references. When you pay your debt! but the negative credit listing doesn't disappear.
There is little difference between a paid negative item on your credit report, or an unpaid one. If you can afford to pay off your debts, we would always advise you to do so.
◉ What items can be removed?
A better question would most likely be "what item cannot be removed". We can help you remove everything you can imagine. Here is a list of some:
Late Payments
Charge Offs
Personal Identification changed or corrected
Closed Accounts
Negative Settlements
◉ Can late payments be removed?
Yes, our methods of disputing have proven to remove any type of late payment whether it is 30, 60, 90, or 120 days late. We see more late payments being removed than any other negative item.
◉ Can collections be removed?
Yes, we can also negotiate debt accommodations that can have your collections and other outstanding debts negotiated in most cases by 50%! or better.
◉ Can repossessions be removed from my credit report?
Yes, our proven methods of dispute can remove repossessions. Repossessions are difficult to remove,
so the percentage of removals would not be as high as a simple late payment for example. However, there is no action step or approach that we won't take.
◉ Can foreclosures be removed from my credit report?
Yes, foreclosures can be removed. Although they are very difficult, we again take every step possible to do so.
◉ Can bankruptcies be removed from my credit report?
We generally tell our clients they shouldn't expect their bankruptcy to be removed. Because Bankruptcies are public records,
and tend to be in most cases the most difficult to remove if they are still within 7 years old. Our service has been known to remove them with an impressive 30% success rate with past customers.
◉ Can student loans be removed from my credit?
Late payments on student loans can be removed, although student loan debt cannot be settled.
◉ Can inquiries be removed from my credit?
Yes, a creditor must provide documentation showing you applied for credit with their company, if they do not provide proper verification then the item is removed.
Inquiries are a very small aspect of your credit score however and they commonly do not affect your credit score past 90 days.
We usually approach these last if you would like us to, instead, we focus on the more critical items affecting your credit to begin with.
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